Leadership in providing legal and advisory services

Notarizing services

Notarizing services

Notarizing services is an initiative to privatize some services to make them more convenient for businesses and residents, in recognition of the growing urban population and the need for a wide range of services. Previously, only appointed public officials located in government buildings could notarize documents for official purposes, however, now appointed Saudi attorneys can provide this service to individuals or companies in Saudi Arabia. We are currently providing notarization and notary services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

We are proud to be one of the first law firms with a team of dedicated lawyers accredited by the Ministry of Justice to provide notary and notary services in Riyadh. We also arrange visits to clients’ premises to document documents at their convenience.

What documents we can Notarize?

1) General judicial agencies
2) Private or purpose-built judicial agencies (in connection with litigation, receipt of dues, follow-up of transactions, business licenses, real property, shares, signature approval)
3) Declarations (monthly income, no objection certificate for travel, title deed declaration, receipts, assignments).
4) Documenting contracts and legal declarations, and issuing related instruments in accordance with what is required by legal principles and applicable regulations.
5) Documenting the transfer of real estate ownership
6) Authentication and release of mortgages
7) Registration and documentation of corporate contracts
8) Documenting the acceptance of housing and agricultural grants
9) Documenting the agencies based on the declaration
10) Documenting the termination or abandonment of the agency, whether by the agent or the principal
11) Documentation and release of suretyship, division by mutual consent between adults.
12) Documenting wills, renouncing nationality, waiving inheritance if it is not real estate, amending names, registering corporate contracts, and signing forms for people with limited income

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